Author Archives: Hellene Gronda

Start here: Processwork Classes for Beginners

START HERE Processwork for Beginners

Looking for a place to start?  Don’t miss our next Processwork Toolkit course … starts January 6

Processwork Toolkit Series offers short online courses introducing the core topic areas and applications of process oriented psychology and deep democracy, the work developed by Arnold Mindell.  Take the courses as a series or jump into individual topics that best suit your learning needs.

Processwork for Beginners with Mila Gaca Ph.D, LPC

Learn essential Processwork concepts and skills

Mondays January 6, 13, and 20, 2025

4-6pm Pacific

Livestream and recording access

Check your timezone

REGISTER NOW: Processwork for Beginners with Mila Gaca

In this course you will explore and learn Processwork’s philosophy, essential concepts and awareness skills. Come and find out about dreambody, levels of reality, different types of attention, process structure, and more!

We will explore your subjective experiences through the concept of life myth and the theory of Deep Democracy, marginalization, self-other dynamics, and change process. What you will learn in this course is applicable to all areas of Processwork, so it can serve you as a foundation for further study and growth.

What can I expect?

Deeper Self-Understanding: Gain insights into your own life journey through the exploration of the dreaming process paradigm and life myth concept.

Theory and Practice: Gain understanding of the theoretical and practical principles of the Processwork paradigm.

Professional Development: Ideal for therapists, counselors, coaches, and anyone interested in personal development and holistic approaches to well-being.

Understanding Marginalization: Explore the concept of marginalization and its impact on self-other dynamics, leading to a deeper understanding of conflicts and consciousness.

Financial Equity

PWI recognizes the global and systemic forces that unequally impact people’s opportunities to participate.  If you are from an emerging economy or carrying the burden of systemic inequality and impacted by financial disadvantage, we offer an equity rate to increase accessibility.  Please choose the equity rate if it is more fair for you.

Processwork for Beginners Equity Rate ($126)

About Mila

Mila Gaca, Ph.D., is a Processwork Diplomate and a licensed counselor. She loves exploring processes on an individual and collective levels. She offers teaching, supervision, coaching, and consulting. Her areas of interests are depth psychology, evolutionary process of consciousness, organizational development (OD), and indigenous healing technologies. Mila served as PWI’s Dean of Academic Governance, 2021-23. She follows the path of heart.

2025 Toolkit Series Schedule

All classes livestream and catch up on demand …

Processwork for Beginners with Mila Gaca

January 6, 13, 20 @ 4pm – 6pm, Pacific –  Check my timezone


Body Symptoms with Jai Kahn

March 5, 12, 19  @ 10 – 12 noon, Pacific

Own Relationships with Aleksandr Peikrishvili

May 5, 12, 19 @ 4pm – 6pm, Pacific

Altered States with Ana Rhodes

July 10, 24, 31 @ 10am – 12noon, Pacific

Dreams with Susan Kocen

September 11, 18, 25 @ 10am – 12noon, Pacific

Process Oriented Groupwork for Beginners with Bill Say

November 5, 12, 19 @ 4pm – 6pm, Pacific

Join our community

Go deeper into the things that matter together – join our community space!


JOIN: Experience Processwork Community Space

We are awareness seekers, therapists, coaches, facilitators, educators and leaders interested in connecting with our deepest selves and finding the meaning and power within even the most difficult and disturbing body experiences, dreams, relationship conflicts and social issues.

Join us to follow your dreams, your body, and the spontaneous signals of our collective dreaming process.

Find Meaning, Transformation, Empowerment, Purpose.

This is a community space for people interested in the work of Arnold Mindell – process oriented psychology, Processwork, deep democracy, worldwork – from curious to expert.

We follow nature into the unknown.

Unpredictable, creative, and sometimes messy!


Hosted by the Process Work Institute (Portland, Oregon).

Go deeper into the things that matter.

Join our Community Space!


Photo Credit: Todd Turner

2025 Processwork Essentials with Dawn Menken

Registration now open!


Select Individual Modules – registration links below


Processwork Essentials consists of a series of 6 in-depth learning modules between January and June 2025 exploring essential aspects of Processwork.

Intended for students of Processwork who have a foundation in basic Processwork concepts, these modules of study will delve deeply into the following topics:

  1. Structural Skills (January 29 -31)
  2. Depths of Dreaming (February 26 -28)
  3. Body Dreaming (March 26 – 28)
  4. Relationship Interventions (April 23 – 25)
  5. Exploring Altered and Extreme States (May 21 – 23)
  6. Applications, Challenges, and Interventions in Group Facilitation (June 25 – 27)

Each module of study will include three sessions (from 10am – 12noon Pacific) livestreamed over the course of three consecutive days, and recorded for catch up on demand access until Dec 31, 2025.

WATCH: Dawn invites you to demystify the magic of working with process

Registration for Processwork Essentials 2025


Individual modules $295 each

(registration links below)



Bundle the Series of 6 for $1,295 and save $475

You’re welcome to purchase modules individually or save by purchasing the whole series as a bundle. All classes will be recorded and shared following the session for those who are unable to attend live.

Register NOW:

2025 Essentials Full Series Bundle


Each module includes three livestreamed sessions (from 10am – 12noon Pacific) over the course of three consecutive days, and recorded for catch up on demand access until Dec 31, 2025.

Structural Skills (January 29 -31)

Check your timezone here

REGISTER: Structural Skills Dawn Menken

Depths of Dreaming (February 26 -28)

Check your timezone here

REGISTER: Depths of Dreaming Dawn Menken

Body Dreaming (March 26 – 28)

Check your timezone here

REGISTER: Body Dreaming Dawn Menken

Relationship Interventions (April 23 – 25)

Check your timezone here

REGISTER: Relationship Interventions Dawn Menken

Exploring Altered and Extreme States (May 21 – 23)

Check your timezone here

REGISTER: Altered and Extreme States Dawn Menken

Applications, Challenges, and Interventions in Group Facilitation (June 25 – 27)

Check your timezone here

REGISTER: Group Facilitation Dawn Menken


Bundle the ESSENTIALS Series of 6 MODULES for $1,295 and save $475

Experience Systemic Financial Disadvantage?

PWI recognizes the global and structural forces that unequally impact people’s opportunities to participate.  If you are from an emerging economy or carrying the burden of systemic inequality and impacted by financial disadvantage, please choose the equity rate ($195) if that is more fair for you.

Equity Rate Registration Links:

Structural Skills EQUITY RATE

Depths of Dreaming EQUITY RATE

Body Dreaming EQUITY RATE

Relationship Interventions EQUITY RATE

Altered and Extreme States EQUITY RATE Dawn Menken

Group Facilitation EQUITY RATE Dawn Menken

What will I learn?

Part 1: January 29 – 31, Structural Skills

This class takes a deep dive into understanding process structure, the more nuanced manifestations and dynamics, which gives practitioners confidence in their work.


  • Enhanced Understanding: Gain a deep comprehension of process structure, allowing practitioners to perceive nuanced manifestations and dynamics within processes.
  • Increased Confidence: Develop confidence in working with complex dynamics, providing a solid foundation for practitioners to navigate varied situations.
  • Practical Application: Acquire practical skills that can be immediately applied in practice, empowering practitioners to navigate diverse client scenarios effectively.

In this module, we delve into the intricate world of process structure within the context of Process Work. We explore the subtleties and complexities that underlie various manifestations and dynamics within processes and focus on the complex area of dreaming up and how to make the therapist’s experiences useful. Participants will gain confidence in identifying, understanding, and working with these intricate structures, equipping themselves with invaluable skills that can be applied in real-world scenarios.  Through interactive sessions and discussions, this course promises to elevate practitioners’ abilities in perceiving and navigating the nuances of process dynamics.

Part 2: February 26 – 28, Depths of Dreaming

Explore the more subtle aspects in dreams: seeing the whole of the dream and its trajectory, being able to spot and unfold the dreaming process as it is happening in the moment, and using dreams as a checkpoint for our work.


  • Holistic Dream Interpretation: Develop the ability to perceive the entire trajectory of dreams, unlocking deeper insights into the dreaming process as it unfolds.
  • Real-Time Dream Analysis: Learn to spot and unfold the dreaming process as it happens, utilizing dreams as a powerful tool for self-exploration and client engagement.
  • Integration into Practice: Gain practical techniques to use dreams as checkpoints within the therapeutic process, fostering deeper connections with clients.

Uncover the profound depths of dreams in this module that focuses on the subtleties within dreaming processes. We’ll explore techniques to perceive the entire landscape of dreams and decode their unfolding trajectory in real-time. Participants will learn to unravel the layers of dreams, using them as vital checkpoints in their therapeutic or facilitation practices. Through interactive sessions and practical exercises, this course promises to enhance participants’ ability to unfold and utilize dreams as valuable resources in their professional work.

Part 3: March 26 – 28, Body Dreaming

Arny Mindell’s original discovery of the dreambody is fundamental to Processwork. We will focus on how to see process structure in the body, creative ways to unfold experience, and also include on-line methods for working physically.


  • Understanding the Dreambody: Grasp Arny Mindell’s pioneering concept of the dreambody, enabling practitioners to identify process structures within the body.
  • Creative Unfolding: Learn innovative methods to unfold and work with bodily experiences, integrating online techniques for physical engagement.
  • Holistic Approach: Combine theoretical knowledge with practical strategies, fostering a comprehensive understanding of working with the body in Process Work.

Discover the significance of the dreambody as conceptualized by Arny Mindell in this immersive course. Participants will delve into identifying process structures within the body, exploring creative methods to unfold and engage with bodily experiences. This course also introduces online methods for physical engagement, offering a diverse toolkit for practitioners. Through a blend of theory and practice, participants will gain insights and skills to incorporate the body into their Process Work effectively.

Part 4: April 23 – 25, Relationship Interventions

Explore the complexity of relationship work and the different kinds of interventions that are possible. Learn to step out of the status quo, connect to the background dreaming in our relationships, and bring in spontaneous solutions.


  • Enhanced Intervention Skills: Explore various intervention techniques, equipping practitioners with a diverse toolkit for navigating complex relationship dynamics.
  • Background Dreaming Connection: Learn to identify and engage with the underlying dreaming processes within relationships, fostering deeper understanding and insight.
  • Spontaneous Solutions: Develop the ability to generate spontaneous, effective solutions, enabling practitioners to step out of conventional approaches and address relationship challenges innovatively.

Delve into the intricate world of relationship dynamics and interventions in this immersive module. Participants will explore a diverse range of intervention techniques, gaining valuable insights into handling complexities within relationships. By connecting with the background dreaming inherent in relationships, practitioners will deepen their understanding and develop heightened sensitivity to underlying dynamics. This course encourages thinking beyond the status quo, fostering the ability to generate spontaneous and effective solutions for relationship challenges. Through interactive sessions and case studies, participants will hone their skills in navigating relationship dynamics with confidence and innovation.

Part 5: May 21 – 23, Exploring Altered and Extreme States

With the goal of gaining more familiarity and ease, we will explore interventions and unfolding, structural understandings, and the dynamics of escalation and de-escalation.


  • Familiarity and Ease: Gain familiarity and comfort in navigating altered and extreme states, empowering practitioners to handle these situations with confidence.
  • Structural Understandings: Develop a comprehensive understanding of the structural dynamics underlying altered states, aiding in effective interventions and de-escalation.
  • Escalation Management: Learn strategies for managing the dynamics of escalation and de-escalation within extreme states, ensuring a grounded and safe approach.

Enter the realm of altered and extreme states in this insightful module. Participants will explore these states with the goal of developing familiarity and ease in navigating their complexities. By delving into the structural underpinnings of altered states, practitioners will gain a deeper understanding of their dynamics, facilitating effective interventions and de-escalation strategies. This course equips participants with tools and techniques to manage and navigate extreme states confidently, ensuring safety and stability. Through practical exercises and theoretical insights, participants will emerge with enhanced skills to handle altered and extreme states effectively within their practice.

Part 6: June 25 – 27, Applications, Challenges, and Interventions in Group Facilitation

Processwork with groups is complex and dynamic. These sessions will help us to understand the larger goals of group facilitation as well as to focus on the more detailed interactions and thoughts on applying group process skills to different kinds of groups, organizations, and businesses.


  • Comprehensive Group Understanding: Gain a holistic comprehension of group dynamics, challenges, and intervention strategies, enriching group facilitation skills.
  • Adaptable Skills: Develop adaptable skills to apply group process techniques across diverse settings, such as different groups, organizations, and businesses.
  • Goal-Oriented Facilitation: Understand the larger goals of group facilitation, enhancing the ability to facilitate groups towards their intended objectives effectively.

Immerse yourself in the complexities and nuances of group facilitation through this comprehensive module. Participants will gain an in-depth understanding of group dynamics, challenges, and effective intervention strategies. This course focuses on honing adaptable skills that can be applied across various settings, enabling practitioners to facilitate groups in diverse environments effectively. Participants will gain insights into the larger goals of group facilitation, equipping themselves to steer groups towards successful outcomes. Through interactive sessions, case studies, and practical applications, participants will refine their group facilitation skills, making them versatile and impactful across different group contexts.

Worldwork for a next generation with Dawn Menken November 2024

Explore the meaning, practice and growth of Worldwork with Dawn Menken over four classes in November

Worldwork for A Next Generation with Dawn Menken

November 6, 13, 20, 27, 2024  10am-12noon PST Check your timezone

Livestream and Recording Access


Find out more in a free community event:

Worldwork: A Conversation with Dawn Menken, October 30, 10am Pacific


What is this course about?

What does it mean to do worldwork? 35 years ago Arnold Mindell coined this term to describe Processwork applications to large group multi-cultural facilitation. Since then the skills of group process work have been applied all over the world by a variety of Processwork practitioners in business and organizational work, schools and communities, and in open forums.

This course will review the spirit in which Worldwork emerged, the tools that grew out of it, as well as where it might be growing, and what might be learned. The time-spirit of polarization and the urgency with which many of us are moved to engage with world issues is one of the driving forces of this class. As a paradigm, Processwork has always embraced an “activist” spirit by understanding marginal experiences and voices as calling for representation and exploration.  Simultaneously, following process means to value the wholeness of what is present and unfolding what is emergent in all of our interactions and life experiences.

This course will explore:

  • historical concepts, applications, and dynamics of Worldwork practice
  • the impact of social identity: division and unity perspectives
  • possible paths of growth and evolution: dreaming into the future
  • what is effective in meeting polarization

Who is it for?

This course assumes a basic understanding and experience of the Processwork approach to groups and conflict facilitation and is ideal for Processwork students who wish to deepen their existing skills, ideas and practice of Worldwork.

We strongly recommend that any beginners interested in this topic attend our introductory course Group Work with Bill Say to become familiar with Worldwork theory and practice prior to this class.

What will I learn?

Join this course for:

Deepened Understanding of Worldwork

Gain a comprehensive grasp of the origins, spirit, and historical development of Worldwork, including its application in large group and multicultural settings.

Increased ability to Engage with Polarization

Gain skills in recognizing and meeting polarization with curiosity and understanding, helping groups and individuals move toward resolution and deeper connection.

Engagement with Global and Local Issues

Engage meaningfully with pressing world issues, and discover how to integrate an “activist” spirit with a process oriented approach.

Enhanced Facilitation Skills

Learn practical tools and techniques to navigate and facilitate group processes, addressing conflicts, polarization, and social dynamics.

Holistic Perspective on Change

Learn how to embrace both the marginal and central experiences in groups and value the wholeness of interactions as they unfold in real-time.

Vision for Future Growth

Dream into the future possibilities of Worldwork, exploring new avenues of growth and evolution in community and organizational settings.

Financial Equity

PWI recognizes the global and systemic forces that unequally impact people’s opportunities to participate.  If you are from an emerging economy or carrying the burden of systemic inequality and impacted by financial disadvantage, please choose the equity rate.

Register with the Equity Rate

About Dawn

Dawn Menken, Ph.D., certified Process Worker, (she/her/hers) has been working in the field of psychology and facilitator development for 40 years. She is an internationally respected educator, facilitator, therapist, leadership coach, and conflict resolution specialist. She is a co-founder of the Process Work Institute, where she co-created its masters programs and served as academic dean for more than a decade. Her most recent award-winning book, Facilitating A More Perfect Union: A Guide for Politicians and Leaders, introduces new ideas to support leaders, particularly those in the public sphere. In all of her endeavors she is moved to improve social discourse and inspire more meaningful civic engagement.
Dawn is a thought leader and change agent who brings her gifts to a variety of sectors. Her parenting book, Raising Parents Raising Kids: Hands-on Wisdom for the Next Generation, offers a groundbreaking approach to parenting and has been described as “… a must read for everybody who cares about the state of our relationships and our world.” She is the creator of Teens Rise Up (TRU), a cutting-edge program that empowers and educates young people to step into their leadership, engage in honest dialogue and co-create more welcoming school communities. She is a passionate teacher and facilitator with a special devotion to relationship and building sustainable community. She is based in Portland, Oregon.

Visit Dawn’s website

Arnold Mindell (1940 – 2024)


Celebration of Arnold Mindell (1940-2024)



August 22, 2pm Pacific

Click on the link above to view in your timezone and RSVP to get event reminders.

Our grief is the expression of deep love, gratitude and respect

Thank you dearest Arny, for your life work that uplifts and gives us hope in the darkest times, for teaching that there is always a meaningful path to unfold, if we can use our awareness, and believe in our experience.  Thank you beyond words.

Arnold Mindell passed away peacefully, June 10, 2024

Amy Mindell shares:

“Some time ago, Arny told me that when he was no longer here in his bodily form, we could connect and talk with him by looking at and communicating with the sea, his beloved sea.

And he said that when anyone dies, they are not just dead. We are not just bodies, we are a spirit and dreaming behind them, so he and all of us are always there.”

Read Amy Mindell’s Facebook Post

Celebrate Arnold Mindell (1940-2024)


ONLINE: RSVP HERE: August 22, 2pm Pacific

Click on the link above to view in your timezone. You can RSVP to get event reminders by making an account, or just bookmark the page and get the zoom link there on the day.



August 23, 2024

11am Offering of Ashes to the Sea

Offering of Arny’s ashes to the sea in the bay of Yachats (when the tide is relatively low).

4pm Gathering

Gathering and party at the “Lion’s Club” to remember and celebrate Arny. (The Lion’s Club is where Arny and Amy have given seminars for many years in Yachats. It holds special memories for many of us).

If you plan on coming in person:

Please write Susan Kocen (arnycelebrationoflife AT to let her know and receive information about how to get to Yachats, where we will meet, lodging possibilities, etc

Stay in touch: Join the Experience Processwork community

Arny and Amy teaching together (from Facebook)

Processwork Essentials with Dawn Menken 2024

Excited about Dawn Menken’s new Essentials training series, starting January 31, 2024!

Processwork Essentials includes six mini-intensives January – June 2024 covering Structural Skills, Depths of Dreaming, Body Dreaming, Relationship Interventions, Altered and Extreme States, and Group Facilitation.

Part 1: Jan. 31-Feb 2nd, Structural Skills

Part 2: Feb. 28-March 1st, Depths of Dreaming

Part 3: March 27-29, Body Dreaming

Part 4: April 24-26, Relationship Interventions

Part 5: May 22-24, Exploring Altered and Extreme States

Part 6: June 19-21, Applications, Challenges, and Interventions in Group Facilitation

Dawn invites you to join one or all of the series and co-create a learning community across borders.  Each mini-intensive will include opportunity for practice as well as theory and community conversation.

Register now for PART 1: Structural Skills



Part 1: Jan. 31-Feb 2nd, Structural Skills

In the Structural Skills online mini-intensive, part 1 of the Processwork Essentials Series, we deeply investigate process structure within the framework of Processwork. Over three consecutive days, Jan. 31-Feb 2nd, 10am-12noon Pacific, we uncover the subtle intricacies and complexities inherent in various process manifestations and dynamics. Dawn will focus on the complex area of dreaming up and how to make the therapist’s experiences useful. Attend live sessions or catch up with recordings on demand.  Ask questions in the private online discussion space. Participants develop confidence in identifying, comprehending, and effectively engaging with these intricate structures, gaining practical skills for real-world applications. Through interactive sessions and discussions, this course aims to enhance practitioners’ abilities in discerning and navigating the nuances of process dynamics, empowering them for more adept professional practice.


  • Enhanced Understanding: Gain a deep comprehension of process structure, allowing practitioners to perceive nuanced manifestations and dynamics within processes.
  • Increased Confidence: Develop confidence in working with complex dynamics, providing a solid foundation for practitioners to navigate varied situations.
  • Practical Application: Acquire practical skills that can be immediately applied in practice, empowering practitioners to navigate diverse client scenarios effectively.

All mini-intensives delivered live 10am-12noon Pacific. Recordings available through Dec 31, 2024.

Check your timezone here

Who is it for?

This mini-intensive and the full series is meant for students of Processwork, whether you are enrolled in a program or have been exploring on your own and just want to learn more.  A basic understanding of Processwork is assumed in order to appreciate the depth of material that we will cover.

Processwork Essentials Series Information

$240 per Mini-Intensive, or Bundle the Series of 6 for $1,200 and save $240.


Financial Equity

PWI recognizes the global and systemic forces that unequally impact people’s opportunities to participate.  If you are from an emerging economy or carrying the burden of systemic inequality and impacted by financial disadvantage, please choose the equity rate ($168) by registering with this link:

Structural Skills Equity Rate ($168)

About Dawn

Dawn Menken, Ph.D., certified Process Worker, (she/her/hers) has been working in the field of psychology and facilitator development for 40 years. She is an internationally respected educator, facilitator, therapist, leadership coach, and conflict resolution specialist. She is a co-founder of the Process Work Institute, where she co-created its masters programs and served as academic dean for more than a decade. Her most recent award-winning book, Facilitating A More Perfect Union: A Guide for Politicians and Leaders, introduces new ideas to support leaders, particularly those in the public sphere. In all of her endeavors she is moved to improve social discourse and inspire more meaningful civic engagement.
Dawn is a thought leader and change agent who brings her gifts to a variety of sectors. Her parenting book, Raising Parents Raising Kids: Hands-on Wisdom for the Next Generation, offers a groundbreaking approach to parenting and has been described as “… a must read for everybody who cares about the state of our relationships and our world.” She is the creator of Teens Rise Up (TRU), a cutting-edge program that empowers and educates young people to step into their leadership, engage in honest dialogue and co-create more welcoming school communities. She is a passionate teacher and facilitator with a special devotion to relationship and building sustainable community. She is based in Portland, Oregon.

Visit Dawn’s website

Join Amy Mindell for the Creativity of your Dreaming Process

Join Amy Mindell for a special class to explore how your dreaming process is an endless source of creativity.  Discover wisdom, insights, and creativity within fun exercises using everyday objects. Benefit from Amy’s guidance to unleash your creativity, gain insights, and apply newfound wisdom to enhance both life and work.

Expect short talks and fun exercises (using simple objects you can find at home) to experience the wisdom, insights, and creativity just waiting to be discovered for your life and work. If possible, please have these simple materials ready for the class: some paper, pens or markers, and something fun (like a hat, stuffed animal, puppet, or something else).

February 11th, 10am – 1pm Pacific

Check your timezone here

Register now

About Amy

Dr. Amy Mindell is in private therapeutic practice in Portland, Oregon and teaches in many countries in the world. She helped developed process work in the areas of coma, creativity, dance, and facilitator styles.

She holds a M.A. and Ph.D. in psychology and is a diplomate of the Process Oriented Psychology Center of Zurich. She has written many books such as , Metaskills: The Spiritual Art of Therapy, The Dreaming Source of Creativity, Alternative to Therapy and her newest book, Your Unique Facilitator Style, as well as papers in professional journals. (Her studies of the feeling skills in therapy, or “metaskills”, are at the core of much of her work.). Amy is also an artist, puppet-maker, singer-songwriter, and dancer. Her most recent musical CD is called, First Bloom. 



Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Progress Report August 2021

August 2021 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Progress Report from the Community Advisory Committee for the Process Work Institute Community  

As published in our August 31 Newsletter.

Progress Report from the Community Advisory Committee

(Rhea Shapiro, Lynn Lobo, Mbali Maseko, Emma Dugan)

for the PWI Community

PWI has begun to actively engage in making changes to promote diversity, equity and inclusion over the last year, however this is the first official report from the Community Advisory Committee, and begins a commitment to regular progress updates.

Dear community,

We recognize that this is a long-term growth process and we are in the beginning stages. We plan to publish monthly updates on progress made at PWI in its Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) process to keep the entire community informed.

Please Note: In this report we are using: People of the Global Majority (PGM), an empowering term emphasizing that over 80% of the world’s population are people of color, not white.  POC and BIPOC are US centrist terms not used or related to by most of the world.

Here is a report on PWI actions towards DEI goals over the last year:

1.        In July 2020, PWI initiated a Board strategic working group to focus resources and leadership on anti-racism work, and search for an outside consultant to advise PWI in its DEI process.

2.        In August 2020, PWI and the Board strategic working group established a community based anti-racism Community Advisory Committee (CAC) to advise the PWI Board and to bring external expertise, guidance and accountability to the organization. Members of the committee that represent the Global Majority receive an honorarium to acknowledge their expertise and time contributions.


3.        The Community Advisory Committee has reviewed PGM, student, faculty and community feedback from past years and based on that feedback came up with recommendations for the PWI Board to make structural changes to support anti-racism in the Institute.


4.        October 2020 In service faculty training: Errol Amerasekera and Dawn Menken: Working with Race at PWI – Learnings, Growth and Systemic Change,


5.        In January 2021 leadership began working with outside consultant, Ed Porter (Courage of Care) to create anti-racism structures and strategies within PWI. Some of his suggestions are as follows:

  • a.   He has stressed the importance of staying in relationship and working with our differences.
  • b.   Recognizing that the social issues and culture are in constant change so we need to create structures that can respond to the present needs of our students and faculty.
  • c.    He suggested we discuss cultural appropriation both inside the organization and publicly in the larger community. We organized a PWI faculty roundtable in the school and plan to post responses. We also plan to create a public roundtable in fall 2021.
  • d.   He has emphasized the importance of uplifting the PGM faculty voice. This is a long-term project. PWI has begun to address this need by engaging more PGM faculty both in public courses and in the academic course curriculum.


6.        PWI has strengthened its Grievance Procedures to address rank issues and bring up student DEI complaints. In January 2020, we created an Ombuds role (Rhea Shapiro) to investigate and discuss complaints to reach a satisfactory resolution for the student. This process has been used by 2 students since its inception.


7.        June 2020, there was Institutional acknowledgment to the PGM community through the PWI newsletter of our grief and regret surrounding past actions and our commitment to changing. 
 See Newsletter June 15, 2020.


8.        In Sept 2020, an apology was sent by email to PWI students and faculty. We include a copy of that to share with the whole community:

Update on Racial DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) Work at PWI (Sept 2020)

Hello to everyone reading this update on our racial equity work here at PWI. As Hellene stated in her June update: “As an organization we are committed to earning back trust through actions and outcomes.“ As a predominantly white organization we have begun to actively struggle with our white dominant culture and actions.

The PWI board, faculty and administration are totally committed to the work of creating a school that is anti-racist with an DEI focus. We have had an unconscious white lens and we are waking up around this and we are dedicated to change; to becoming an anti-racist organization where everyone’s reality is truly supported and encouraged.

We cannot go back in time, but we can apologize to the many People of the Global Majority, both faculty and students, who have suffered with the actions and attitudes that come from our white privilege within PWI. Many students and faculty have been speaking out, saying that this has been happening for far too long in our organization. Our white micro and macro aggressions created a culture that has been painful and debilitating. We know that just an apology is not enough.

Realizing this and trying to change this culture, the PWI Board is instituting a systemic DEI Change Process. In July, the board created an Anti-Racism Work Group. Also, we have begun to connect with community members to create a Community Advisory Committee that will give PWI feedback about how we are doing. We are engaging a Strategic Planner to help us create a long-term plan for racial equity. Also, we are initiating conversations within the school with an outside facilitator to address white dominance. We are committed to this change process and making PWI a safer place for People of the Global Majority and all of us connected to the organization.

Thank-you, the Anti-Racism Work Group, PWI Board (Rhea Shapiro, Elva Redwood, Irina Feygina)

9.        In Spring 2020 PWI created PGM student scholarships of which 2 students have made use. Also funded were PGM Guest Faculty positions for the Masters of Process Work Race and Culture class.


10.     We have the intention of significantly increasing People of the Global Majority representation on the PWI Board. In Summer 2021, Diane Wong joined the board and we are in the process of inviting a second member.

Thank you for your interest in the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion process in which PWI is continuing to engage. The Community Advisory Committee is now committed to giving monthly updates on the progress of PWI. Stay tuned.


The Community Advisory Committee

Rhea Shapiro, Lynn Lobo, Mbali Maseko, Emma Dugan

To reach the Committee please email

800 years young & don’t miss our January Intensive

How did you get so big?

I stood in the rain, awed by an 800 year old being rising up through the mist. The low grrrrr of ocean waves crashing not far away, I sobbed quietly, overwhelmed by joy and awe in the Pacific Northwest coastal forest.

Western science has just recently understood that forests are collaborative diverse communities. The visible part of the forest can look like a competition for light, space and nutrients. But underground, the forest is a network of inter-species connections used for support and nourishment.

What scientists call ‘mother trees’ partner with fungi to pass nutrients, protection from disease, and information exchange that helps the entire forest flourish. This 800 year old giant has lived with generations of indigenous peoples, witnessed the recent arrival of Europeans, felt the steady deforestation of its coastal homeland, all the while nourishing and uplifting the forest community of which it is part.

As we farewell this year and welcome 2021, I am wishing us time to feel our roots and the invisible connections they make. To wonder at the weave of inter-species process that unfolds between and through us.

Could our roots help us transform the intense polarizations of this time?

Could our mother trees hold us through vulnerability, fears and denial and give us the courage to act with “stubborn optimism” for racial justice and a safe climate future?

How have your underground networks nourished you this year?

How have you been a ‘mother tree’ to others in your community?

Join us online this January for our introductory intensive to study the skills for unfolding process. Together we can find our way to a better normal.

Hellene, from all of us here at the Process Work Institute

Click here for our latest newsletter (December 26,  2020)

Hellene Gronda, Executive Director
Ph.D, PW. Dipl, MA, BSc/BA(Hons)
Hellene has a life-long interest in personal and collective change and has been inspired by Processwork for over 30 years. An experienced leader in government and nonprofit settings she values the deep optimism and courageous spirit of Processwork, and its ability to find creative and unexpected solutions to the most difficult, confusing or inexplicable challenges.
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