The Edge

Want to share your experiences with Processwork on The Edge?  We welcome submissions from anyone familiar with Processwork.  Please take a look at our editorial policy, and contact us at  We’re looking forward to reading your work.

What is Processwork?

Welcome to The Edge, a blog about Processwork in all its applications and manifestations.  As a practice and theory of human experience, those applications are unlimited and as varied as all the individuals and groups who make use of it.  I hope these posts, by Processworkers in different walks of life all over the world, will draw you in and inspire you to discover how Processwork can support growth, creativity and communication in your own life and work. By Elva Redwood, Managing Editor, The Edge History of Processwork Processwork originally grew from Jungian psychology in the 1970s and 80s, when Arnold Mindell practiced at the Jung Institute in Zurich.  Dr. Mindell’s deep curiosity and work with people on body symptoms led

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A Pandemic of Inner Critics

by Agnieszka Olszewska–Kaczmarek The Covid-19 virus is still raging all over the world.  We are waiting for the moment when we can all breathe a sigh of relief and feel safe.  However, there is another virus that most of us will struggle with all our lives. “I can’t.  I’m not that skillful.  I’m too fat.  I screwed up again.  I’m too old.  don’t have enough energy,” etc. This is the inner critic virus (IC) that clips our wings, usurps our energy and deteriorates our quality of life.  The IC may impact our ability to pursue our full potential, or even prevent us meeting everyday obligations. The IC is spread around the world, flooding it with waves of negativity and harmful

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Be the Change: Processwork and Environmental Action, Part 2

by Jon Biemer Ghandi reportedly said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”  I wear it on a couple tee-shirts.  I believe in it. My particular focus is environmental action.  How do I put this advice into practice?  How do I motivate others to do likewise? Processwork offers some powerful strategies to consider. Relationships In addition to hearing and seeing, Processwork tells us that relationship is a channel through which we communicate at a deeper level.  Just by openly sharing environmental values, peers influence each other. My local business association values me as a good facilitator who also calls himself an environmentalist.  Because of my involvement, our annual celebration featured the Johnson Creek Watershed Council pitching its

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Embrace Your Edge: Processwork and Environmental Action, Part 1

by Jon Biemer The world needs our help.  Glaciers and poles are melting.  Hurricanes line up across the Atlantic to wreak havoc.  Refugees are migrating.  Species are going extinct.  What can we do?  Why don’t we do more? I seek to apply Processwork skills and insights to the challenge of motivating people to take environmental action. In particular, Processwork suggests we have arrived at an edge when we feel stuck.  Something is going on, but we have trouble deciding what to do about it.  The situation may be as seemingly unimportant as choosing a meaningful present for a child, or as threatening as the loss of your home.  When we reflectively “hold ourselves to the edge”, we draw upon inner resources

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A Process Oriented Approach to Collaboration

Collaboration is an alchemical way of growing an idea and ourselves.  It’s kind of magical and difficult to put into words.  Just like a baby, an idea needs a lot of space and time to grow.  It is important not to rush.  In writing our graphic novel “Dreaming Into Community, A Guidebook to Worldwork”, we spent almost a year on the first chapter alone.  As we worked out our process of interacting and working together, the last chapter easily flowed over an intense 2 weeks.  It took us 3 years to complete the book. by Venetia Bouronikou and Lynn Lobo We have often wondered if the idea for the book found us or if the idea came from our relationship. 

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Hurtful Relationship Patterns and Deep Dreams

By Agnieszka Olszewska–Kaczmarek In everyday life, we often meet people who are in relationships that bring them more suffering than benefits.  One of the parties, despite repeated injuries and a sense of unfulfillment and even unhappiness, remains in the relationship or walks away just to return in a moment. On the other side is a partner who is addicted, notoriously fails to keep promises, and may even commit physical or psychological violence.  This partner may also cheat, mentally humiliate, and rarely if ever appreciate the other partner. Gender Norms can Contribute to Disfunction Gender configurations are changing and the hurtful behaviors themselves can be further strengthened by cultural patterns defining what is okay, acceptable and even desirable in the behavior

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Maid Servant in a Rich Man’s House; Processwork on Roles and Rank

by Kalpana Tanwar Shri Ramakrishna (1836-1886) is one of India’s most revered saints.  Near Portland, OR, a shrine is dedicated to him and his followers in Scappoose, along with an ashram in SE Portland.  On NW 23rd Avenue, I saw a portrait of him in a meditation room. As a young girl, I recall reading aloud to my father from “The Mission of Shri Ramakrishna”.  My father was a follower and this was his way of teaching me the precepts.  At the time, I didn’t care for the teachings.  Decades later, I’m reading the same book in a reading circle in Bengaluru. One of Shri Ramakrishna’s instructions is: Live like a maid-servant in a rich man’s house. In today’s world this

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800 years young & don’t miss our January Intensive

How did you get so big? I stood in the rain, awed by an 800 year old being rising up through the mist. The low grrrrr of ocean waves crashing not far away, I sobbed quietly, overwhelmed by joy and awe in the Pacific Northwest coastal forest. Western science has just recently understood that forests are collaborative diverse communities. The visible part of the forest can look like a competition for light, space and nutrients. But underground, the forest is a network of inter-species connections used for support and nourishment. What scientists call ‘mother trees’ partner with fungi to pass nutrients, protection from disease, and information exchange that helps the entire forest flourish. This 800 year old giant has lived with

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Befriending Spiders: Corona and Unpredictable Fields

by Peter Mascher When the school and kindergarten in our small village was closed on March 13th this year, the practical consequences of the Corona pandemic reached us as well. I have to say that Heckenbeck, a village of 500 inhabitants has not experienced a single illness to date, so I am writing from a very privileged position, with only a partial knowledge of how much other people are actually affected, up to and including an existential and health threat. The Fear Everywhere Feels Like War The news affected me and even more impactful is the fear that was constantly felt everywhere, that is now arising anew with the approach of autumn. The baker in the neighboring village spoke of

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Inner voices of Leadership inspired by Black Lives Matter – Errol Amerasekera

The Inner Voices of Leadership: Inspired by my experience at a #BlackLivesMatter march By Errol Amerasekera Leadership is a service one offers to others. Therefore as a leader, one has to be mindful to not make things about one’s self. At the same time, leadership also requires us to be authentic, transparent and sometimes perhaps even vulnerable. So it’s always challenging as a leader to model behaviours such as honesty and self-revelation, without going so far as to be self-indulgent. The question which helps me navigate this dilemma is What is purposeful? In other words, how can I take my experience and share it in a way which makes it useful for others, thus making a contribution? But also to

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