Fieldworker by Irina Feygina
I’m Irina, and I had the honor of being the field worker for the 2019 Winter Intensive. What is that, you ask? A field worker is present with the Intensive group through all of its experiences, holds the field of the group, senses it as a living organism, and follows its process. She supports the teaching team by helping transition between weeks (each has a new set of teachers and topic area) and with staying in the know on key happening and process of the group, and supports the students with the learning, the program, and arising challenges.
Being the field worker was an incredible experience. I stepped into the role the day after my penultimate residency for the Advanced Certificate program, during which my cohort took exams to qualify for the Diploma in Process Work. The exams challenged us to demonstrate and own our process work abilities, and emerging from them into the Intensive felt like a graduation, a stepping into my capacity and identity as a facilitator.
I had been an Intensive participant in 2012. I was searching for a path after many painful years in academia, and the Intensive reconnected me to the possibility of a positive learning environment based on respect for inner knowing, valuing diversity of experience, courage to confront and embrace our difficult parts, and a commitment to honesty and growth. I felt at home, where I was welcome as I am, and my strengths and wounds, and my dreaming, were welcome as the foundation for becoming a healer, for bringing a contribution to the world. It was a life-altering experience, and it’s taken many years to trust the deep knowing and my calling as a facilitator.
My experience as fieldworker helped complete this process. Witnessing and holding the amazing group – teachers and students – in their diverse experiences was touching and inspiring, and rich with learning. It called for awareness and eldership, for sitting in the fire and having an open heart, for creativity and commitment. It helped me recognize how this approach – a radical presence with what arises and faith in process – creates a foundation for transformation and discovery, and for the sense of home which I’ve been gifted by process work.
As I look back on these powerful five weeks, I feel a profound gratitude to the students in the Intensive – for sharing your remarkable journeys and discoveries, and to my fellow members of the teaching team – for your wisdom, guidance, support, and friendship. Holding our field in my heart, even as we disperse across the globe!