Skills and Tools for ‘Being the Change’

Skills & Tools for “Being the Change”: An Introduction to Worldwork

July 6-8, 2018

With Jennifer Kleskie, MACF, PW Dipl.

Friday July 6, 6-9 pm,

Saturday July 7, 10 am – 5 pm 

Sunday July 8, 9 am -12 pm.  

This Introduction to the Worldwork Method, applied in groups, families and any social constellation, explores how to address conflict and global problems, while understanding how you are part of a dreaming experience in every moment. That simple awareness opens worlds of capacity within yourself and for others as well.  Please join us for this workshop, where fundamental skills for personal mastery in transformation can be learned.

In this course, we will learn how to find deep, often unexpected, but congruent responses to the world around us, giving options for how to effect change. Realizing these new understandings and insights, supports the discovery of next steps in personal as well as collective transformation.

Faculty: Jennifer Kleskie, MACF, Diploma Process Work, worked as a practitioner in the mental health field since her early 20’s, sitting with the “shattered soul”, as it has been called. After working for years with families in crisis, she now as a psycho-social practitioner develops, interventions and workshops for strengthening the resiliency of individuals and communities. 

Course fee:

$216 early registration by June 22nd

$240 full fee

Workstudy and/or sliding scale available – please contact for more information.

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  • July 6, 2018 - July 8, 2018
    6:00 pm - 12:00 pm